Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Birthday Winery Tour

Saturday 6th May

With an early start made even earlier by the eager arrival of one Mr Calvert at 7:40am the team arrived in drizzles for what would be a big day.

With a bus full of 21 soon to be boozy and cheese filled friends we escaped the hustle of the city in lie of a relaxing day sipping wine in the countryside. Some already had had big nights, the prospect of a full day drinking was not enough - Sam could not have been happier to meet my pillow 5 minutes into the McLaren Vale bus ride. Sal however was pleased to assure all that she was A. O.K

With threatening weather reports all came rugged up but none so prepared as Tara with her umbrella in ....of course.

With news that the catering company "Blessed Cheese" were keen for some promotional pics somehow this gangly group were trusted with the company camera to take some candid shots of cheese...and if we made an appearance than that would be ok too.

With the first stop at tintara Jane showed her most cheesey smile closely followed in corniness by Eds "mmmm this cheese is tasty" face.

Happy back on the road with my bargain $4.60 bottle of "Riviera breeze" sweet white it was onto Wirra Wirra. I got on the bus but Tara decided Oscar was needing a bit more of a work out.

Here Linda made a friend of the furry kind in a young pup named Rusty and where Cat and Iain did their impression of a truly cheesey moment.

At Shottesbrook the money really started to flow with some weary faces soon showing as the day slowly creped by. Wine almost got the best of Kirk who soldiered through to prove us all wrong taking a further taste of another "tannin" filled bold red - promptly joined by Ed, whos teeth told of much red passing those lips.

As the third winery past it was time for cake, I was stuffed but the troops disagreed, all bought a pie or three to fill the remaining gaps, the local bakery doing a roaring 12th hour trade.

It was at Leconsfield that Trav showed his stuff filling in for the cellar door "bar chicks" when they couldnt remember the origin of Grenash....i mean who doesnt know that!

It was late in the day without much wine drunk that Mer prophesied her dismal end to the weekend with a cold turning bad where bed was the order for the next two days. Dave however was not going to let the night go to waste putting in what i hear was a solid effort arriving home in the dawning hours of Sunday morning.

The last standing were Ryan and Ling with the stomach to even put down a full counter meal at the good old GP.

Thanks to the rest of the gang not to be forgotten: Rach, Alex, Meg, Caroline, Derek, Sam C and Oscar

PRIZE FOR THE MOST AMOUNT OF WINE BOUGHT: Iain Calvert with 14 bottles! Impressive contribution to the McLaren Vale economy!